Monday, July 23, 2007

Bricklayers tries again

Hexagon Housing Association is submitting a new set of plans for the abandoned Bricklayers Arms pub at 123-125 Southampton Way. The last set of plans were rejected, planners cited 'unacceptable height' and 'loss of commercial space' (the plans are for housing only, no commercial) as reasons for the rejection.

Recall, plans for redevelopment that called for a restaurant and housing on the upper floors were approved, but the developer sold the property and did not follow through.

The new plans still do not provide commercial space but reduce the number of flats from 13 to 11. It seems not to include a reduction in height, but that is difficult to tell.

Here are the proposed views from the front, rear and from above looking down at the ground floor/back shared gardens:

If you would like large pdf's of the complete set of plans, please be in touch via

To register your views, you should write to Southwark Planning citing plans 06-AP-2280: RESUBMISSION, 123-125 Southampton Way SE5. The address is Chiltern House, Portland Street, London SE17 2ES. You may email at

You may also contact Hexagon with any questions/comments. The contact is Dawn Gordon:

You can also click on 'comments' and share your views with others if you wish.


At 6:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always, thanks for this. I'm all for it. I don't think the height is that huge a deal - it can't be that much higher than now and shouldn't have a huge (even minor) impact on those behind. Please please pass it and build build build.

At 6:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assuming the tenants of these flats have motor cars where do they park?

At 11:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can park on the pavement ;-)

At 11:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The heght is important to us it is proposed to be almost half a storey higher than the present highest point, which would not only blight the sky line but cast a giant shadow (particuly in winter ) over the rear gardens and properties We will be objecting and looking for assistance in this. p

At 1:17 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

hi there,

I'm a reporter covering Peckham and Peckham Rye (with a little licence to roam) and am trying to track down a contact for a story - The former landlord of the Bricklayer's Arms in fact. His name is Basil, but I don't have a surname or age. It's nothing serious, just a quote about the bomscare yesterday turning out to be a bag of fish!

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you have any new stories or ideas let me know

P.S. the email link doesn't work..


twitter: @j_p_simpson



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